This is a message from The Queen !

A bit of an extravagant start – but I will start as I mean to go on.  Clearly I am not a Queen and I can confirm quite early on in our relationship that I don’t have blue blood, but what I do have is noble purposes. I have dreamed of this moment, even penned previous attempts on light blue lined flimsy paper but being modern and of the moment, I am embracing technology and going digital. So what can you expect from me you may ask, well first up grammatical faux pas are a certain, perhaps the odd made up word (I still argue that computate is indeed a word addressing adding up) and hopefully at times laughter that leaves you crab walking to the bathroom. I am, as of 1988 an unemployed actress – yet every night I perform to an audience of 4.  That said audience has over the years requested I outsource my talents and find a new stage and that is why moving forwards I will hopefully find you being delighted by my repertoire.

2 thoughts on “This is a message from The Queen !

  1. When you’re not so good at computating in our house, you whip out your Countelator. Love the first post, well worth the wait Queen of D.

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