Its day 2 and I just googled writers block………

Well here I am again, arms extended waiting for the show to go on.   There is no prompting from stage left, it is just me and my keys and I am not talking Alica…… I have been thinking all day about what I should write about and then of course who am I writing for?

That took up half the day and rather substantial packet of prunes and I have decided that my technique (can I have a technique day 2 of writing?) is to just turn up and type.  That sounds a bit like a bar in the UK that bit doesn’t it.  I am just going for a drink at turnip and type !!!

Anyway rhyming slang is for Q3 and not to be dwelled upon just yet, so let’s revisit the original question.

Who am I writing for?

I am writing for anyone really, anyone that cares to escape with me whilst I whittle away my latter years.  Anyone who is remotely interested in what a lady in her forties (no typo) gets up to.  Anyone who wants to just hang out and hear more on The Queen and her days before she found the glass slipper……..and that anyone, can be just that, anyone.

I truly hope that as I continue on more people will join me on the journey and that I capture perhaps a little following of Queenies to banter with.

This is a message from The Queen !

A bit of an extravagant start – but I will start as I mean to go on.  Clearly I am not a Queen and I can confirm quite early on in our relationship that I don’t have blue blood, but what I do have is noble purposes. I have dreamed of this moment, even penned previous attempts on light blue lined flimsy paper but being modern and of the moment, I am embracing technology and going digital. So what can you expect from me you may ask, well first up grammatical faux pas are a certain, perhaps the odd made up word (I still argue that computate is indeed a word addressing adding up) and hopefully at times laughter that leaves you crab walking to the bathroom. I am, as of 1988 an unemployed actress – yet every night I perform to an audience of 4.  That said audience has over the years requested I outsource my talents and find a new stage and that is why moving forwards I will hopefully find you being delighted by my repertoire.